

Hysteroscopy is utilized to analyse or treat issues of the uterus. A hysteroscope is a sleek, lit telescope-like gadget. It is embedded through your vagina into your uterus. The hysteroscope sends the picture of your uterus onto a screen. Different instruments are utilized alongside the hysteroscope for treatment.

 Who should get a hysteroscopy done? 

  • Hysteroscopy also is used in the following situations:
  • Remove adhesions that may occur because of contamination or from past medical procedures
  • Find out the cause of repeated miscarriage when a woman has experienced more than two miscarriages in a row
  • Locate an intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Perform sterilization. In this process, a hysteroscope is used to place small implants into a woman’s fallopian tubes as a permanent form of birth control.

 Risk Factors:

Hysteroscopy is an exceptionally safe procedure. Nonetheless, there is a little scope for danger. The uterus or cervix can be penetrated by the hysteroscope, bleeding may occur, or excessive fluid might develop within your body. In exceptionally uncommon cases, hysteroscopy can create life-threatening challenges.


The risks of a hysteroscopy are minimal but may include infection, bleeding, or injury to the uterus or surrounding structures. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we prioritize patient safety and take precautions to minimize these risks during hysteroscopic procedures.

To prepare for a hysteroscopy, you may be advised to abstain from food and drink before the procedure and discuss any medications with your doctor. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we provide comprehensive preoperative instructions and support to ensure a smooth experience for our patients undergoing hysteroscopy.

Hysteroscopy is performed to diagnose and treat various uterine conditions, such as polyps, fibroids, adhesions, or abnormal bleeding. It allows direct visualization of the uterine cavity using a thin, flexible instrument called a hysteroscope. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we utilize hysteroscopy to address underlying issues that may affect fertility and reproductive health.

No, a hysteroscopy is not considered major surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure performed under sedation or local anesthesia, typically on an outpatient basis. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we specialize in hysteroscopic techniques to diagnose and treat uterine conditions with minimal discomfort and downtime for our patients.

The cost of hysteroscopy can vary depending on factors like the clinic, the specific procedure performed, and any additional tests or treatments required. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer transparent pricing and discuss financial options to make hysteroscopy accessible for our patients.

Hysteroscopy may be performed when investigating infertility, recurrent miscarriages, abnormal uterine bleeding, or suspected uterine abnormalities. It is typically recommended after initial evaluations or as part of fertility treatment planning. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we tailor hysteroscopy timing to each patient’s individual needs and circumstances.

After a hysteroscopy, the uterus typically returns to its normal state with minimal discomfort or recovery time. Any identified abnormalities may be treated during the procedure, potentially improving fertility outcomes or addressing menstrual irregularities. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we provide post-procedure care and support to ensure a smooth recovery for our patients undergoing hysteroscopy.

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