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  • Pre-implantation Genetic Test (PGT) comprises a group of genetic assays used to evaluate embryos before transfer to the uterus. The embryos can be tested for abnormal chromosomes before they are transferred to reduce the risk of abnormalities in the offspring.
  • The genetic defects include missing or an extra chromosome, single-gene disorder, or rearrangement of genes, which can cause pregnancy loss and birth defects.

PGT basically are of 2 types

  1. Pre-implantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
  2. Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
  • PGS is done when the genetic parents are presumed to be chromosomally normal and embryos are screened for aneuploidy.
  • PGS detects extra or missing chromosome/aneuploidy like down syndrome, Turner syndrome, hence it is called PGT-A
  • PGD is done when both/one genetic parent carries a gene mutation or a balanced chromosomal rearrangement
  • PGD is done to test whether the abnormality from a parent is transmitted to the embryo
  • When the embryo is tested for monogenic disorders, to detect inherited conditions and diseases like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia, hence it is called PGT-M and it is called PGT-SR when the embryo is tested for structural rearrangement such as translocation, inversion which can result in creating embryos with chromosomal issues.

 For whom PGS is done?

  • In the case of advanced maternal age
  • History of recurrent early pregnancy loss
  • Severe male factor infertility
  • Repeated IVF failure

 How is PGT done?

  • The first step is to fertilize the oocytes either by IVF or ICSI and then they fertilize and embryos are produced. the fertilized embryos are cultured till day 3 or day 5
  • The next step is to take a small biopsy of the embryo. the biopsy is performed either on day 3 by removing two to three cells or day 5 removing 3-6 cells.
  • Day 5 embryo consist of an inner cell mass(that develop into a fetus )and trophectoderm(that forms placenta), more cells are removed at this stage(removing little trophectoderm without compromising the viability of the embryo.
  • Once the cells are tested for abnormalities we can select the one that is genetically normal and transfer it into the uterus

 What are the benefits?

  • Improves embryo selection
  • Reduce genetic transmission of unknown abnormalities
  • Decrease the risk of miscarriage
  • Reduce the chance of multiple pregnancies


Typically, multiple embryos are required for PGD testing to increase the chances of obtaining accurate results. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we work closely with you to determine the optimal number of embryos needed for PGD testing, ensuring the best possible outcome for your fertility treatment.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) is a technique used in IVF to screen embryos for chromosomal abnormalities before transfer. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer PGS as part of our advanced fertility treatments, providing personalized care and support to maximize your chances of a successful pregnancy.

PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) screens embryos for chromosomal abnormalities, while PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) tests for specific genetic disorders. Both techniques help select embryos with the highest chance of success for transfer. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer both PGS and PGD as part of our comprehensive fertility services, ensuring personalized care tailored to your specific needs.

The procedure for PGD/PGS involves obtaining a small number of cells from the embryo for genetic testing. This is typically done through embryo biopsy, where cells are removed from the embryo for analysis. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we ensure a careful and precise biopsy procedure to maximize accuracy and minimize any potential risks.

No, PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) and PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) are separate techniques used for different purposes. PGD tests for specific genetic disorders, while PGS screens embryos for chromosomal abnormalities. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer both PGD and PGS as part of our advanced fertility treatments, providing personalized care to meet your individual needs.

PGD may be necessary for IVF in cases where there is a known risk of passing on a genetic disorder to offspring. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer personalized consultations to determine if PGD is necessary for your fertility treatment, ensuring the best possible outcome for you and your family.

No, PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) requires the use of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) to create embryos for testing. PGD involves genetic testing of embryos created through IVF to screen for specific genetic disorders before transfer. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer PGD as part of our comprehensive IVF services, providing personalized care and support to help you achieve your fertility goals.

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) is a technique used during IVF to test embryos for specific genetic disorders before transfer. This helps identify embryos free of genetic abnormalities, reducing the risk of passing on inherited diseases to offspring. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer PGD as part of our advanced fertility treatments, providing personalized care to meet your individual needs.

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) is generally safe but may carry some risks, including damage to the embryos or incorrect diagnosis. However, these risks are minimal when performed by experienced professionals. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we prioritize your safety and well-being, providing thorough assessments and personalized care throughout the PGD process to minimize any potential risks and ensure the best possible outcome for your fertility treatment.

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